Meeting My Mentor &
Learning to Do Business Differently
It was a rainy day in Koh Phangan, Thailand. I sat at a little beach café with my laptop and a thick, sweet Thai coffee before me. A man and woman walked in and asked if they could sit at the table I was occupying. I was about to respond when the man, glancing at my computer, said, “It looks like you’re working on something important.”
We spoke about the philosophies we followed in life pertaining to work, relationships, and the world at large while the rain pattered on the roof overhead. His perspective on everything fascinated me, unlike anything else I had encountered up to this point in my life. He had heard my life story, but I knew nothing about him. I finally asked, “What’s your story? What do you do?”
"I help people who are ready to wake up Wake Up." Seeing my blank stare, he continued, "Basically, it's the next step from where you are now."
I left that café with a thousand swirling questions. They barraged my mind and heart day and night. I felt like I was in a pressure cooker and didn’t know when the release valve would be deployed!
I exhausted myself in the pursuit of truth, instead of what I had been told was true, and the pursuit of what felt right to me, instead of what I had been told was right. Thus began the most personal and professional transformative journey I have ever experienced.
It led me to where I am today.