“Fake companies are like fools gold; it may glitter, but the market will always reveal its true worth.”

Changing our traditional ways of doing business takes a lot of work. It’s tempting to stick to what has always worked. But in today's world, as 
you now know, playing it safe is riskier than ever. If you don’t innovate, you’ll be left behind.

Think of the companies you choose to do business with and those you avoid.

In simple terms, the ones that win our loyalty are those that:


Solve a meaningful problem.


Align with your core values.


Consistently provide an outstanding experience, whether it’s through their marketing, products/ services, or customer service.

These factors lay the groundwork.

As basic as these things are, they are unique enough in today’s world that you will stand out if you have all these pieces.

To achieve this, though, we must delve deeper.

Like peeling an onion, uncovering the essential elements contributing to this approach.

Multi Billion Dollar
Case Study

(Video courtesy of Patagonia, Inc.)

Patagonia, led by its founder, Yvon Chouinard, stands as a beacon of integrity in business at a large scale.

Their journey serves as a loose blueprint for growing a business profitably while positively impacting the world.

Its foundation is built on environmental care and ethical practices.

Challenging conventional business models by showing that profitability and responsibility can coexist.

Their commitment extends beyond their campaigns to the core of their operations, from eco-friendly material to fair labor.

Every aspect reflects a dedication to making a positive impact. 

This deep commitment (made known to their customers!) has earned them a loyal customer base and a leadership role in corporate responsibility.

To clarify, Patagonia can take a stand for what they believe but if they don’t plaster it all over their branding and marketing, they wouldn’t be this conglomerate that they are.

Nor would they be helping to ignite a revolution around consumerism.

This proves that a business can transcend its products to become a force for good.

This strategy has not only achieved significant financial success (over a few billion dollars!) but has also sparked a broader dialogue on the societal role of businesses.

The question now is, how can you align your business ambitions with a purposeful impact tied to whatever you’re most passionate about championing?

This Isn’t About Looking
Good To Follow A Trend

True integrity in business is more than just a trend. It’s about real value, not just surface appearance.

In a conversation with Andrew Ross Sorkin of The New York Times, Elon Musk summed it up nicely.

(Video courtesy of New York Times)

“What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it. What I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil. Fuck them!”

Everywhere, we see companies jumping on trends without real commitment.

Their efforts fall flat because they lack authenticity (we can see right through that BS).

Authentic integrity means recognizing that behind every quantifiable metric in your business is a person with problems to solve and needs to fulfill.

That’s significant because when we see our customers in this light, we go from feeling that we “have to do” certain things to grow our business to realizing that we “get to do” things to better our customers’ lives.

When I first got into this game called business, I didn’t set out to do anything I’m writing about in this manifesto.

I did so because after making some money, I felt incomplete.

I couldn’t stand the idea of dying in regret, wishing for more time so I could do things differently sometime in the future.

I came face to face with the fact that I spend more time at work than doing any other activity in my life, and as long as that was going to be the case, that time spent away from my family and friends should feel great.

Making the world a better place in some way, shape, or form

An Invitation To Be Generous
With Your One Precious Life

Generosity isn’t just a virtue; it’s a powerful business advantage that, when you’re ready, you’ll realize viscerally.

Calling on you to use your unique talents, time, and resources to create a meaningful impact on the world.

It’s a deeply personal realization, where the act of giving in business and life aligns with your values and brings you emotional fulfillment.

True generosity isn't about external validation but an internal commitment to excellence and positive impact.

It's about enjoying the journey, finding energy in challenges, and focusing on your vision.

Proactively creating opportunities and experiences that resonate with your values and aspirations.

It’s a call to live and work to higher standards, where the rewards extend beyond financial success.

So do you accept this invitation to be generous?

If so, prepare your heart to go on the most fulfilling rollercoaster of your life.

Now, let’s dive into the main course.

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Core Values

At Business With Integrity we are:


We have a deep, unusual passion for what we do.


We appreciate, respect and have faith in one another’s abilities and word.


We relentlessly give without expectation, and raise the bar in everything we do.


We embody honesty, fairness, and transparency in every decision and action.


Be confident in taking decisive actions knowing that we stand by your side.


In every success or setback, we stand together, ready to move forward as one.


We engage in open dialogue, listening deeply, and speaking candidly.


We champion collective intelligence to accomplish extraordinary results.


We believe we function best when we don’t take ourselves too seriously.